Our Speakers

Biography: Dipshikha Chakravortty is currently Professor at the Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India. She earned Ph.D from DBT-National Center of Cell, Pune, and worked at Aichi University Japan and later received Humboldt fellowship to work at Alexander Fedrick University, Germany. Her research focuses on molecular pathogenesis, infectious diseases, vaccine development and novel delivery systems. She has received many awards to her credit and few are DAE Outstanding Investigator award, Astra Chair Professorship, DBT- National Bioscience Award, NASI-Reliance Industries Platinum Jubilee award, Tata Innovation fellowship. She is a elected fellow of National Academy of Science, India, Indian National Science Academy, Delhi and Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore. She serves at the Editorial board of many journals like Virulence, Innate Immunity and Journal of Bioscience, Frontiers in Microbiology etc. She has been reviewer in reputed journals and has about 160 publications. To date, she has guided 28 PhD students, more than 200 summers trainees and 60 Academy summer trainees in her lab. She is member of Scientific advisory committees of various premier institutes and is part of various scientific committees of DST, CSIR, DBT, UGC, ICMR towards decision and policy making.